Hello all Kyle, CEO of KingsFund Capital, I am pleased to announce the Q3 payout for our venture capital fund investors.

16 May 2023, 13:42
Hello all Kyle, CEO of KingsFund Capital, I am pleased to announce the Q3 payout for our venture capital fund investors. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our investors for their unwavering trust and loyalty in KingsFund Capital. Your support has been invaluable, and we are thrilled to share this quarter's profits with everyone! Here are the details of our Q3 performance: Q3 Starting USDT holdings: $178,000 Q3 Ending USDT Holdings: $267,509 Q3 Total Balance Sheet Value: $267,509 Q3 Realized Fund Yield: $89,509 Based on the number of NFTs held, we are excited to offer a payout of $226.2 per NFT. This payout reflects the growth and success of our fund, and we are delighted to reward our investors for their participation. We want to remind you that KingsFund minting is still ongoing for eligibility to receive the Q4 payout until 16/05. If you haven't yet minted a KingsFund NFT, we encourage you to do so. By minting an NFT, you become part of our thriving community, and you have the option to sell it back to the fund for its backed value. Minting is available for $500 BUSD at our official marketplace: Before minting, we recommend visiting our website to learn more about our vision, values, and the exciting opportunities that KingsFund Capital offers. Additionally, we would like to highlight that KingsFund Capital also provides project funding. If you have a groundbreaking project in the realm of meme coin start-ups or any other innovative venture, we invite you to reach out to us for potential seed round investment. We believe in fostering the growth of promising projects and partnering with visionaries like you. Once again, we express our sincerest appreciation to all our investors for placing their trust in KingsFund Capital. We are committed to a bright future together and will continue to strive for excellence in delivering exceptional results. Best regards, Kyle CEO, KingsFund Capital